Zatímco čekáme, jak se pracovní skupina pro HTML postaví k HTML5, dovolím si citovat několik výroků z archivu její konference. Jejich komentování ponechám na čtenáři (těm, kteří nesledují problematiku detailněji se tímto omlouvám).
One thing that puzzles me is how we are supposed to have teleconfs
with 300 people.
I'd hesitate to even call HTML4 a specification. It has many areas that basically only sketch out behavior rather than actually bothering to specify it. Tables are a great example of this.
HTML 4 is so underspecified it's a miracle it's even implemented. And I am one of the few here (with Murray, Chris and Dan) who were already here in the HTML WG for HTML 4.
Finally, note that there are people who will send lots of e-mails but not contribute much ("+1" for instance)
There is something amusing about fuzzy semantics applied to the use of the word "semantic".
Z debaty proč místo <p><img /></p> používat <p src="">.
Well, the <p> tag itself isn't a paragraph; it wraps it. The wrapped content (the original paragraph) is replaced by an external source (the new paragraph).
Martin Hassman ex-biochemik, umělecký programátor a publicista. Spoluzakladatel CZilly, zakladatel Zdrojáku, správce, organizátor hackathonů, čekovacích muzejních nocí aj. akcí.
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