Dear JobsBlog: I’ve heard it’s a good idea for interviewees to have a few questions ready for their interviewers,Windows 7 Professional Product Key, especially if the interviewer asks,Office Professional 2007, “Do you have any questions for me?” This got me thinking: What are some of the most memorable questions interview candidates have asked you?
- Questioning the questions
Dear Questioning: Yes,Windows 7 Professional Key, it’s a great idea to come prepared with questions for your interviewer. The interview isn’t just about letting a company evaluate you; it’s also a time for you to make sure the company,Cheap Windows 7, team and job are a good match for your career and interests.
In the theme of “what not to do,Cheap Office 2007,” here are a few memorable (funny,Office Professional Plus 2010 Key, unexpected and maybe a little inappropriate) questions interview candidates have asked. And,Microsoft Office 2010, yes,Office Professional Plus 2007 Key, these are real. You can’t make this stuff up.
5. Can I hire a third party to test any code I write rather than testing it on my own? I just like working that way.
4. Is my compensation limited by how long I’ve been around? I mean,Windows 7 Ultimate, what if I write a whole new operating system or something. Shouldn’t I get paid a lot more for that?chenhui
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