Deepin, jakože ten OS má soudruha ještě víc pod kontrolou, než obdobné počítače s Windows a nějakým tím čínským spyware?
Sadly ano. Nadseni cinani to zkouseli dostat do openSUSE a malicko to pohorelo na security auditu.
A sade znamych bezp. chyb
Pro pobavení závěr z jednoho security review:
"So the issues 5), 6), 8) and 9) have not been addressed yet. For 7) I'm not
The more severe issues have been fixed at least. 5) and 6) should still be
addressed before we accept it, the others ... well they look very hacky and I
think something should be done as well."
a následně:
"There has been no response from the packager or from upstream for a long time.
Closing this and related deepin bugs."