You retarded cock sucka, windows doesn't even support shit, fuck your mummy for fucking your daddy, mothafucka ! GNU/Linux is OS that has the most drivers of all included in it's default kernel you bitch ass nigga, so try to concentrate and realize there is no other operating system with such hardware support. As a matter of fact, Windows has the worst hardware support, why don't you talk about recent 64bit arch, Mr. dum dum, huh? You hardly ever will be able to understand me, faggot, am I right?
Petr Krčmář pracuje jako šéfredaktor serveru GNU/Linuxem a Unixem obecně se zabývá již více než deset let a věnuje se především jeho nasazení v počítačových sítích a bezpečnostní politice. Zde bloguje o, Linuxu, internetu a světě kolem sebe.
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