Tak poslední nightly-build webkitu si vede ještě lépe (u ./configure použito --enable-svg-experimental)
Failed 7 tests.
Test 02 failed: reached expectation 13 when expecting expectation 12
Test 23 failed: no exception for createElementNS('null', ':div')
Test 25 failed: failed to raise exception
Test 26 passed, but took 208ms
Test 69 passed, but took 155 attempts.
Test 70 failed: UTF-8 encoded XML document with invalid character did not have a well-formedness error
Test 75 failed: Value undefined (result of expression anim.beginElement) is not object.
Test 76 failed: expected '0' but got '100' - Incorrect animVal value after svg animation.
Test 79 failed: expected '34' but got '33' - SVGSVGTextElement.getNumberOfChars() incorrect
Total elapsed time: 5.80s
Martin Hassman ex-biochemik, umělecký programátor a publicista. Spoluzakladatel CZilly, zakladatel Zdrojáku, správce HTML5.cz, organizátor hackathonů, čekovacích muzejních nocí aj. akcí.
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