Ono v IT je jedna ultra zaujimavost
Closing The Computer Science Gap, From Classroom To Career
Posted Feb 1, 2015 by Muhammed Chaudhry
My twins will turn four in 2015, and they know more about computers now than I did when I took over as president and CEO of Silicon Valley Education Foundation (SVEF) in 2003. And it’s a good thing because currently there are more than 75,000 open jobs in computing in California and only 4,324 computer science graduates to fill them.
Schopnost VS naplnit poziadavky trhu na pocet novych absolventov v Californii je 4 324/75 000 = 5,77%
Ale bacha ale aj tento maly pocet nesplna poziadavky na nich kladene zamsetstnavatelmi
Som clenom ACM a ich SIGITE (Special Interest Group for Information technology Education) a SIGCSE (Special Interest Group for Computer Science Education), takze am Inroads predplateny
June 2015 | Volume 6, No. 2
IT industry employers expectations
A very mixed set of messages came from the panel. For instance, one representative from a major software company—which had recently launched a very successful initial public offering (IPO)—expressed the desire to hire only the top 5% of computer science (CS) graduates
Je to sice Novy Zeland, ale nebudu to rozdierlne cisla a a potom mame
0,05* 0,0577 = 0.002885
teda necele 3 promile IT novych postov pokryvaju spravne vzdelany ludia.
A co sa tyka toho pokrytia novych miest v IT absolventami IT v SR, pocital som to z udajov Ministrestva skolstva, Minsterstva prace socialnych veci a rodiny a spolocnych udajov IT asociacie Slovenska a Microsoft Slovakia
\hline Rok & 2008/9 & 2009/10 & 2010/11 & 2011/12 & 2012/13 \\
\hline Absolventi VŠ(Bc.) v~\% nových miest & 7,46 & 7,59 & 6,65 & = & = \\
Co viem, tak v CR su cisla asi 2x vyssie ako v SR, ale tiez nie su lichotive
A ako vidite nie su to nejak zasadne ine cisla ako v Kalifornii..
Toto je primarny problem na riesenie. Ucit dost ludi a ucit ich to, co potrebuju...
Autor se zabývá vývojem kompilátorů a knihoven pro objektově-orientované programovací jazyky.
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